A goodly amount of the response that I have had so far to my posting has been about the photograph of The Cat. I chalk this up as an experience in humility.
He is Angus MacFangus, Dread Laird of the Underbed, Stalker of Feet, Gutter of Catnep Mousies, Bane of Bisquit Di Biscotti.
He seems to have been abandoned, or worse, a house cat that someone attempted to remake as an outdoor cat.
A little over a year ago, I happened to see him on our back deck, eating rain-soaked squirrel chow. I began feeding him, which got him through the winter, and during this past spring he became quite trusting and friendly. At one point, he walked in the open door, made friends with the feline-in-residence, and has happily spent his days slumbering in the front window when a lap is not available.
Bisquit Di Biscotti has just pawed me. As the Senior Cat, he reminds me that it is his right to have his picture posted here as well. He suggested a photo of Himself holding court during Christmas dinner.
1 comment:
I wish my cats had such good table manners as Bisquit Di Biscotti. I will show this photograph to Vienna and Piranesi this evening, to remind them how the best cats behave.
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