Thursday, February 21, 2008

Speaking Invitations

Although I have not managed to post as frequently as I had hoped, I have been receiving a lot of speaking invitations as a result of my work in this area. I have had to turn down several, unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts or other legitimate reasons. Other invitations I have forwarded to my superiors for possible permission to accept.

In response to e-mails, I must say that I do not feel "muzzled" by the Library of Congress in my discussions. If anything, my sense of self-censorship as a staff member seems to be more severe than that of my superiors.

This blog itself, for me, is an extraordinary occurrence. It developed only from my promise to post my presentation for public consultation--and responses--and the realisation that it was not appropriate to post these materials on the LC Web site. I think, as soon as the need for this blog has passed, that I will delete it.